Baby Sophie is here!
We went in the hospital in Rexburg 3 am. And spent all day in labor, the our little surprise baby came at 5:06 pm. Sophronia weighes 7lbs 2 oz and is 20 inches long. (Well we think on the inches, nobody really told us anything).
The next surprise was not as pleasant as finding out the gender. She was having trouble breathing when she came out and wasn't crying. They ended up taking her to Idaho Falls for a better NICU and Josh went with her, I waited impatiently to be released today.
Sophie has an infection in her lungs and mucus that is too thick to get out. But today they say she is doing better and things are looking good for her. We have been very blessed and so has she.
This was the first I saw of my baby, before they transfered her.
My view while they were getting her ready to go.
Josh and Sophie when they got to Idaho Falls.
I made it there this afternoon.
Baby Sophie is the biggest baby in the NICU and they said that was good because she is stronger to fight the the infections and everything. So yay for good things.